Fast Search for SharePoint gotcha - query suggestions
At the company i work for, we do have around 30(?!) different labels and we decided that all websites of those labels, should be hosted on…
2011, Jul 19 — 2 minute readAt the company i work for, we do have around 30(?!) different labels and we decided that all websites of those labels, should be hosted on…
2011, Jul 19 — 2 minute readWhen migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010, it might be possible that your navigation is broken. The error I encountered was the…
2011, Jul 06 — 1 minute readLately I was working on a project that required to make use of scopes and some managed metadata properties in those scopes. For some reason…
2011, Jun 03 — 1 minute readLately, I installed Fast locally on my machine for development purposes, and it was working as intended. Crawled a lot of local (and…
2011, May 19 — 1 minute readRecently I was working on a sandboxes solution, which included a WebTemplate (Vesa "Vesku" Juvonen wrote a really nice post about it), but I…
2011, Jan 14 — 1 minute readA collegue of mine had the following problem: he wanted to write a console application to test some SharePoint code, but whenever he opened…
2010, Dec 24 — 1 minute readTo modify the results of the peopleresults.aspx, a few stepts have to be taken. In my case, a Division is added to the results. at first…
2010, Aug 21 — 2 minute readSome time ago I wanted to enable some features upon a siteCollection creation, but I couldnt find an eventhandler which allowed me to…
2009, Sep 12 — 1 minute readSome time ago I wrote a blogpost about how to use the CrossListQueryInfo and CrossListQueryCache to be able to find any item within a site…
2009, Aug 14 — 1 minute readSome time ago, the company that I work for, merged with another company and one of the issues that we still have, is that the users of both…
2009, Aug 05 — 3 minute read