I'll present at the SUGNL: 3 lessons I've learned with Sitecore on Docker (and does Sitecore require you to migrate?)
2021, Mar 30
On April 8th, the first virtual Sitecore Usergroup for the Netherlands will be organized, I am proud that Achmea, my employer, may host this first virtual meetup.
In my presentation, I'll talk about 3 lessons (or maybe more) that I've learned when migrating from Sitecore 9 on Azure PaaS to Sitecore 10 on containers. Each phase (my first experience, optimizing the docker strategy and making the most out of the platform) will be part of this presentation. I'll give you the answer to the populair question "does Sitecore require me to migrate to containers"?
This will NOT be a "getting started" session, but isn't an "advanced concepts" session either. Just a fun session from a guy who had fun migrating from one technology to another.