Achmea Techday 2022 - March 17
After years of organizing internal techdays, On the 17th of March 2022, Achmea will organize its first Techday which will be accessible for everyone who is interested! This day will be in Dutch, so it might be hard to follow for people who don't speak dutch. We have selected the following 4 sessions.
- Developing a Distributed architecture using DAPR and Project Tye - Robert Jan van Holland & Bas Lijten
- Containers zijn de toekomst: maar hoe ziet dat er dan uit? - Erik van Weert
- Voorspelmodellen operationaliseren in Azure en Openshift - Ari Sadik & Dirk Meewis
- *Hoe ontwikkel je een chatbot die echt werkt?" - Badal Marhé & René van de Ven
Interested? Register at https://techday.evenement.achmea.nl
Developing a Distributed architecture using DAPR and Project Tye
I am just going to highlight my own session ;) In this session, Robert Jan and I are going to elaborate how we are using DAPR and Project Tye in our architecture. DAPR is the Distributed Application Runtime and allows to simplify microservices connectivity. It allows to keep focus on business logic and keep your code as simple as possible. Project tye is tooling that makes developing, testing and deploying microservices/distributed applications easier. A third component is a custom gateway, which allows to run several micro-frontends, based on different technologystacks, next to each other, without having any issues in terms of security, authentication or sessions.